Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pop Brollies - Bats in the Belfry Umbrella

Two of my favorites!

This first version of Bats in the Belfry was created for most chipper of all Chicago Goths, Jamey B. However, someone saw it and asked very nicely if he could buy it instead. Jamey being the awesome neighbor that she is said sure.

And so, I made her a new one. In real life, the design is a bit more subtle. The umbrellas are not quite as bright as they appear in the photos and the black pulls a nice undertone out of the purple. It's still bold and noticeable as you walk down the street, it just takes an extra look to fully appreciate what you're seeing.

I am currently developing the first line of Pop Brollies, check back soon for the official announcement. Custom designs are made on request. Please contact me either here or through my etsy account


JameyB said...

Love my battie brollie! It shielded me from the sun at the Air and Water show perfectly (no sun burn for me!). Now if it would only rain...

The size is perfect for one or two people arm in arm. The color and bats are just right!

Great job :)

JameyB said...

Love my battie brollie! It shielded me from the sun at the Air and Water show perfectly (no sun burn for me!). Now if it would only rain...

The size is perfect for one or two people arm in arm. The color and bats are just right!

Great job :)